We have probably all heard of the importance of rehydrating our body with electrolytes after sweating and strenuous activities in the heat. But instead of reaching for Gatorade or your canister of fancy electroltye powder, let’s take a look at a simple method for mineral and electrolyte intake!

Have you heard of the benefits of Sole?(pronounced so-lay). Sole is simply a concentrated water/salt solution. It is water that has absorbed unrefined sea salt to its full capacity. By making a strong infusion of salt and water, it packs a punch of minerals like potassium, iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium and more.

For years, we’ve been told that salt can be harmful, so drinking concentrated salt water may sound questionable at first. The key is using the correct kind of salt!

So just to be clear- we’re not talking of iodized table salt. That salt is a villain! Stripped of its minerals except for sodium chloride. This kind of salt can cause many problems, including high blood pressure. 

The salt I’m talking about here is unrefined sea salt- Himalayan, Celtic, and Redmond Real salt are all great choices.

Sole has been used for centuries in some countries. Here are some of the scientific benefits of sole water:

* Supports Hydration– our body needs electrolytes to absorb water; sea salt used in sole water has electrolytes. When you add sea salt to your water, it helps your body absorb the water and minerals, which helps to keep you hydrated longer.

* Helps The Body Detox- the minerals in sole aid the body in its natural detoxification. Sole is also naturally antibacterial. 

Do you feel parched in the morning? Here may be partly why:  Our body uses water even as we sleep because then is when it naturally detoxifies and repairs itself. It is important to rehydrate our “working engine” in the morning!

* Boosts Energy- because of the many minerals and stored energy in the salt crystals, it can boost your energy levels. 

* Improves DigestionSole helps stimulate digestion, helping with food absorption, weight loss and regularity. It is even used as a colon cleanse.

* Improving Blood Sugar- some people have noticed improvement in their levels after using sole.

* Blood Pressure– people have noticed a reduction in blood pressure from using sole.

* Relieves Muscle Cramps–  We’ve probably all heard how magnesium relieves cramps. And magnesium is one of the key electrolytes in sea salt. No wonder it’s great for cramps! Magnesium itself has loads of health benefits.

* Helps with the alkaline/acidity balance in  the body

* Sole’s high mineral content also makes it great for hair, skin and nail health.

* It can also help dissolve and eliminate sediments that lead to gallbladder and kidney stones.

This list is of sole’s benefits is not conclusive, but hopefully enough to make you want to try it out!

Let’s get on with how to make it; It really couldn’t be more simple!

Basically it’s 1 part sea salt to 3 parts filtered or distilled water.

So for a quart jar, I put in 1 cup salt and 3 cups water. 

For a pint jar: a half cup salt and 1 ¹/² cup water.

Stir well and let set on your counter overnight. By the next morning, the salt should be mostly dissolved. It should still have a fine layer of salt on the bottom. This means the water has absorbed the salt to its full capacity. The sole is now ready to use!

I use Redmond Real salt. We’ve been using this salt for many years.
Use a non-metal spoon to stir it and a plastic or non- metal lid to screw on the jar. 
This is my current sole, showing you the salt layer at the bottom.

If there is no salt left on the bottom by the next morning, add in a bit more salt each day until you get that layer on the bottom of the jar.

To Use Sole- Stir or shake the jar and mix 1 teaspoon sole into a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. After a month or two, you can take 2 teaspoons every morning if you’d like. Just be careful not to incorporate too much too quickly. It can cause loose stools or detox headaches. 

And once your body is accustomed to sole, you could totally add in another teaspoon later in the day. Especially if you sweat a lot or feel you need the extra electrolytes. You won’t hardly overdose; if you do, your bowels (or a headache) will notify you.

While sole is super beneficial for anyone, it is wonderful for those who struggle with headaches! This may sound counterintuitive to what I just said about it causing a headache; let me explain.

There can be a hundred reasons for headaches and I’m definitely not diving into that. But dehydration is a leading cause of headaches! You may be constantly chugging the water, but if you’re not replenishing yourself with minerals and electrolytes, your kidneys will simply flush out the excess water and not truly hydrate.

Our family has been drinking distilled water for years and absolutely love it. (And highly recommend!) But I didn’t realize the importance of adding in electrolytes and minerals on a regular basis. It was only in the last year or two that I became aware of this. And in case you’re thinking you will simply drink spring water or something where it still retains its minerals, that is not the answer. You could drink a bathtub full of water and still not get your needed electrolytes/minerals.

So I would highly recommend giving sole a try and see if it erradicates your headaches. It’s inexpensive and oh, so simple!  You’ve got nothing to lose because there are many benefits, even if you don’t notice anything at first.

If it causes headaches, just back off on your dose a bit.  Jerald and I started in with 1 teaspoon for a couple months.  Then I increased it to 2 teaspoons for a couple weeks. Last week I was feeling quite industrious in the health department. A couple times I stirred in a good 2 ¹/² teaspoons sole to my morning water. Headaches troubled me. Honest confession here: as I was writing this blog and reading over my information about sole, I learned there is something like detox headaches from taking too much.🤦‍♀️ Lesson learned!

Sole will last in your cabinet/pantry indefinitely.  It won’t spoil because of the salt’s antibacterial properties.

I have been super pleased in the reduction of headaches that Jerald experiences since incorporating sole into our morning regimen! We know gluten causes him headaches. And his headaches have definitely lessened since he (mostly) cut that out of his diet. But adding sole into his diet has lessened the headaches even more!!

Sole is a wonderful, simple, and inexpensive way to enhance your health. There is no need for those expensive, flavored electrolyte drinks. But of course, if you prefer those, here’s a couple things to look for:

* Make sure they’re not full of sugar or other additives.

* No artificial flavorings or food colorings.

* The potassium level should be higher than the sodium.

Here are three good, clean electrolyte powders if you still prefer that:

Dr. Bergs


Just Ingredients

Summer and hot weather is just around the corner- make sure you’re hydrating well! Remember, electrolytes help your body absorb that water better. So drink up, Chuck!